Project EMBLA
After suffering from little financial support since the late 80th, international cooperation is pushing scientific efforts since the 90th. In line with a cooperation with the Institute for Radio Astronomy of Bologna addional equipment and observers have been available between 2000 and 2004. Amongst other instruments, a radar and VLF (Very Low Frequency) receivers have been used. Field work was conducted during several weeks in summer.
Preliminary report from 2002
Final report from 2004
The Hessdalen Lights are not a single phenomenon but different phenomena. The light can consist of several smaller units, which can seperate from each other and fly into different directions. There is no correlation to solar activity.
Photometric measurements suggest that the lights produce an energie up to 100 kilowatt.
The phenomenon can produce echoes on radar even when it is not visible. This indicates highly ionized air.
VLF emissions
Several times periodically shifted signals have been recorded in the 1-2 kHz range. In an article published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration Massimo Teodorani from the Intitute for Radio Astronomy in Medicina is interpreting these measurements as doppler signals which "could be explained neither by known natural signals nor by man-made signals". In a paper published in 2005 however, his colleagues Renato Romero and Jader Monari are concluding that all VLF signals recorded during the campaign can probably be explained by man-made sources.
According to the sceptical scientist Matteo Leone a certain amount of the EMLBA observations and measurements can be explained by car lights. The responsible scientist Massimo Teodorani could not completely refute Leone´s claims. A discussion between the two scientists can be found in the journal Zeitschrift für Anomalistik (in German language).
The opinion of Hessdalen Germany: Misinterpretations of car lights cast a shadow on research on the Hessdalen Phenomenon. It should be attempted to avoid such kind of confusions in publications.