Science Camps
Upcoming projects
After the successful Norwegian-Italian cooperation in the EMBLA project, international cooperations have been fostered in recent years. Since 2010 the French Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) is involved in the field work in Hessdalen. The french scientists are looking for electromagnetic signals. The data are stored in local measurement stations and are available for analysis after recovery.
Despite of progress the financial support by the international scientific community must be considered as shortsighted. The Hessdalen-Phenomenon does not seem to fit into any known part of our world and therefore might lead to groundbreaking knowledge. In the Hessdalen Germany Interview Bjørn Gitle Hauge remembers the fate of Roald Amundsen: The great discoverer was bankrupt and had to get away from Oslo because the police was chasing him. Not before achieving international publicity his efforts have been payed.
Since 2002 the Inspiria Science Center is organizing Science Camps. During the weeklong events, pupils and students have opportunity to get familiar with scientific fieldwork. Two ideas are behind this: At first, the new generation of scientists should get familiar with the frontieres of science. Secondly, during the Science Camps there is a high amount of observers on location. All observation logs can be found on the Science Camp Website (in Norwegian language).
The biggest success of Hessdalen research so far was achieved during the Science Camp 2007, when an optical spectrum of the Hessdalen Light was obtained:
Photo: Bjørn Gitle Hauge. Please click for a bigger display on
To the surprise of the scientists the obtained spectrum is continuous. This is supporting the hypothesis that the Hessdalen Lights are a dusty plasma.
The spectral analysis of the Hessdalen Phenomenon revealed that the visual spectrum is similar to the star Vega. And Vega is not just shining in the visible light but also in the ultraviolet range. This is why Bjørn Gitle Hauge suggests that the key to a better understanding of the phenomenon might be found in UV photographs. UV cameras require special lenses, which have to be manufactured with highest precision and therefore are very expensive. Sponsors are appreciated.
Ecological threat
The soil of Hessdalen is containing high amounts of copper. With rising world market prices the exploitation is becoming more and more attractive. And the municipality of Holtålen is looking for income sources. Currently, the establishment of a mining complex in the southern part of the valley is checked. First test drillings have already taken place. It is unclear if the Hessdalen Phenomenon - whatever might be its nature - will survive a massive change of the valley´s ecology.