Fieldwork 1984
Reports of light phenomena observed in Hessdalen are reaching back at least to the 1940th. Starting in 1981 the number of sightings suddenly increased dramatically. In the beginning those reports faced large scepsis, but quickly the lights became a kind of "tourist attraction", alluring curious people from nearby and far away.
But scientific research was prevented by academic obstacles: Persons becoming involved with such kind of research have been risking their reputation. But this did not scare Erling Strand, a young computing specialist from Oslo. For all the warnings of fellow scientists, he founded "Project Hessdalen" and made it a project of Østfold University College. The first period of investigation took place from January 21th to February 26th.
During the field work period visual observations have been systematically registered and categorised. Furthermore, the phenomena have been investigated by different kinds of scientific instruments. As the nature of the phenomena was unknown, a broad range of instruments has been used: (Infrared) cameras, spectrum analyser, seismograph, magnetometer, radar and geiger counter. The instruments were stationed with a caravan near the northern entry of the valley. Visual observation was conducted at two additional locations. All observations have been categorized after their quality and strangeness. The number of observers varied between appr. 4 and 20 persons.
Visual observation
Approximately 53 observations have been classified as Hessdalen Phenomenon. Two of those sightings have been particulary strange: In one case a light changed its blinking rythm when a laser was directed towards it. In the other case a laserlike light was seen on the ground. The laser of the scientists has been in Oslo at this day. Further detail is contained in the Technical Report.
30 radar echoes have been registered. Two echoes have been so strong, that they indicate the presence of highly ionized air or a solid object. The highest speed measured of the phenomenon was 30.000 kmh.
As expected seismographic activity has been low. The region is teconically stable.
Occasional amplitudes have been observed. But there is no final proof that the activity was linked to the phenomenon.